Well first the good news, I am down to 329.8. Yes I don't round! I am just glad to see that the scale is moving in the right way. First off I need to amend what I ate yesterday.
Yesterday for breakfast I had:
Starbucks Iced Vente Coffee with Cream
5 Turkey Sausages
2 Tbsp Low Carb ketchup
Alfredo Chicken
3 egg Omelet w/ 1 Andouille Sausage and some cheese,
onions and green peppers
Self made Fajitas
Beef, Chicken, Green Peppers, Onion with seasonings:
Garlic Powder, Cumin, Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder
2 Tbsp Guacamole
2 oz Cheese
1 Tbsp Salsa
5 pieces sugar free candy
Ok so now the low down. I really enjoyed the Fajitas, but I had a horrible headache yesterday. I am not sure if it is from Low Carb flu, lack of caffeine, or no diet soda/aspartame. Whatever it is I had it until I had my Starbucks this morning! I am going to gradually give up the starbucks once I see how my weightloss goes over the next week. If I think it is stalling me then I will actually give it the boot.
I really believe that the sugar free candies knocked me out of ketosis! That is annoying. No more weaknesses there.
Even with just 6 pounds down my belt is much much loser today. I think that is my favorite part of losing weight is seeing it in my clothes. Overall I would say being able to buy nice clothes is a huge motivator. Not as much as being healthy for the family but up there with being able to ride on an airplane comfortably.
So far today the meals look like:
Breakfast -
Starbuck Vente Iced Coffe w/ Cream
2 sausage patties
I am not sure what lunch will be, but I will post either later today or tomorrow about it. If you are interested in how I prepared the fajjitas I will list it below:
What you will need:
Meat of Choice in strips ( I used ribeye, sirloin and chicken 2lb total weight)
1 Onion Sliced(I used yellow)
1-2 Green Peppers Sliced
1.5 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Cumin
.5 Tbsp Chili Powder (Mexene is what I used)
Salt and Pepper to taste (I used them fairly liberally)
Cast Iron Skillet (or other dense, well conducting cooking skillet)
4 Tbsp Oil (Regular Olive Oil not Extra Virgin)
The Technique:
First I set the Cast Iron Skillet on the stove at medium high heat and added 2 Tbsp of oil.
Once the oil begin to smoke I added my beef to give it a nice quick browning. It stayed
in for about 2-3 minutes until each side was nice and brown and fairly crisp. Then I
removed it to a plate.
Next I added the chicken to the empty skillet and seasoned it with some of all 5 of the spices
above (salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin.)
I let the chicken brown and then move it towards the outer edges of the pan forming a large
well in the center of the skillet,
I add the remain 2 Tbsp of oil to the well and drop in the onions, as you do this again season the onions with all 5 seasonings.
After letting the onions reduce down I add the green peppers (season again)into them in the well and stir them together with the onions in the center of the skillet.
Give this about 2-3 minutes and add the beef back into the skillet and finish off your seasoning.
Once you add the beef you will keep this on until you start to notice the vegetables are getting flimsy, stir it every couple of minutes and it should take another 6-7 minutes before you serve.
So I am not the best at writing recipes yet, maybe I should do it in a video so I can better explain how I add spices. I try to layer them into each component in this recipe. The same spices repeated, but not to exceed a certain amount. You can alway add seasoning at the end so do not add too much to each individual ingredient. Taste as you cook and you will know when things are done. My reason for taking the beef off and adding it back was simply to keep it from getting too overcooked. The beef juices actually do well for the chicken as well. Quite a bit of liquid is released from the meat and vegetables, this should mostly boil off in the end. The Fajitas should not be soupy.
Anyway, first attempt at a recipe I will refine it more with time.
HealthyLoserGal FIVE POUND Club... are you IN?
8 years ago
Hi, I followed your blog link from Jimmy's forum.
When you go to Starbucks, do you just tell them exactly how you want your coffee, or is there a "name" for the coffee?
It seems like every time dh and I go to Starbucks and order something like what you order, they sorta freak out because they can't imagine someone wanting a coffee with whole cream! :)
Good luck with your continued weight loss.
Well they know me know so I just tell them I want a Vente Iced Coffee with Cream and Splenda. It is a small town so they pretty much know I am the only one that orders that. I usually get a "Hi Dwayne!"
Oh, ok. :) Maybe I need to buy MORE starbuck's drinks LOL.
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