So I see I was featured today on Jimmy's low carb blog. I guess I should explain a couple of things to clear it up. I am trying to lose weight to be healthy for my daughter who will be born at the end of November, as well as getting in shape for my wife Jennifer and stepson Jackson. I am actually a Kentucky native, but currently live in Richmond, Indiana. I am going through a bit of a low carb crisis on my own and am trying to do low calorie for awhile. Do not let that sway you from the low carb path! I honestly believe it is the right way to go, but because something has changed for me I am not able to go as low carb as I need to. I am right now one of the rare few people who are so resistant that I am not losing weight. I am going to give low calorie a try again and then slowly cut the carbs back out and see if that works.
I hope all you bright eyed low carbers stick it out. I lost 70 pounds doing low carb the last time, but for some reason the exact same diet will not allow me to lose now. Maybe it is my age now, but I am working to figure it out. Don't let anyone tell you high fat, protein laden food isn't healthy, and keep working at it.