Thursday, February 17, 2011

A question for readers and an update to yesterday...

   Well I have a question I am going to put out there for my readers/friends.  I am faced with a tough decision coming up in April, and I need a little help deciding what to do.  My son is going to be gone for a week at his fathers, and my mother has offered to watch my daughter for the week.  This gives myself and my wife the opportunity to have a week without the kids and it is a fairly rare thing to happen with no vacation planned.  So, I could go out to the Biggest Loser Resort in Malibu for that week and work my tail off which I would love, or I can stay at home and attempt to bust my hump part of the day, and blog/work on my web site/iphone apps.  The cost involved in going is quite significant considering we want to pay off our minivan, and if I choose to go I will be using savings to do it which I do not like to do.  Is it worth the cost for just one week when I know my family has agreed to let me go either this coming late fall or winter?  Time to do some cost/benefit analysis I guess.

Pros for going to the resort:
- Amazing trainers
- No thinking about food
- Beautiful weather and hikes
- At least 2 weeks worth of results crammed into one week
- Gives my blog readers so more interesting things to read =)
- Total focus on my training and weightloss

Cons for going to the resort:
- Cost at a bad time
- Already know the program very well, both exercise and diet
- A two week stay is really preferable to adjust
- Little to no time to work on other web related projects

I think the pros and cons for staying home are obvious.  Any votes either way?  I still have a little time to think on it so I am going to not rush it.

Onto some more updates from yesterday:
I ended up going to a movie at night with my friends Zack and Kevin.  We went to see The Eagle, and it was much better than I thought it would be.  However, it still left quite a bit to be desired and had some fairly large plot loop holes in it.  I had a nice Coke Zero at the movie but no snacks so I am moving in the right direction.  Considering how many movies I see the no snack thing is a big deal.

The picture above is of the meal I had after the movie when we all went to BW3s to catch up and hang out.  I used my app to look up the grilled chicken tenders and I had my wild sauce on the side.  Each tender is 43 calories, and thanks to Zack I ordered the sauce on the side and hardly used any since it was so hot.  The meal came with fries, but I let the guys have them.  They had some fried chicken tenders, but I feel like I did well.  An extra 160 calories was not really that bad for the day I had.  Oh and this morning with I woke up I had lost another pound.  Getting close to those numbers that begin with a 2...

Also, my fitbit stats for yesterday were:
I walked 9,814 steps and 4.6 miles and burned 3,968 calories via my fitbit

I have found some great twitter feeds and blog sites I plan to add here in a little bit, more on that later.  Hope everyone is doing well today,



Anonymous said...

Hey - i have been following your blog for a few weeks now. I was in Malibu for a week in Dec. I LOVED it and am continuing my journey at home. I decided i def want to make a 2nd trip out to Malibu in the summer for another week, but have set a couple parameters for myself before I book it. I def understand the need/desire to go back.
If i were you i would take the week at home, take the tools you learned and continue at it and keep your savings for when you hit a plateau or have really lost your momentum. Can you take the $$ you would have put into FR and get a personal trainer at home?

FR for me isn't about seeing the instantaneous results but rather building the tools within myself to see the long term results.

To me it sounds like you have all the tools, but are still nervous and apprehensive about being able to succeed at home. keep at it at home you know you can do it, get a trainer that you really work well with and that will push you and spend some quality time with your wife without the kids!

Wildcat in Indy said...

I definitely have the tools I need at home, I think it is more the opportunity of having this week that makes me want to do it. That and I really enjoy the trainers there.

Kent Moeller said...

I would spend it at home with you wife and work your butt off and enjoy her company. You have many years before you are empty nesters. Carpe Diem.