Saturday, February 19, 2011

At home Day 13, Childrens' Museum plus cheat day aka unhealthy choices day...

I was really happy on the ranch that in their diet plan and at home plan workshops they talked about the need to allow yourself room for unhealthy food choices in your life.  They operate on the 90/10 rule where you are health 90% of the time and unhealthy on 10%.  I have incorporated cheat days in several diet plans I have done over time, and really do believe if you can control yourself for it they are great.  I really enjoyed my cheat meal this week and even allowed myself an extra treat at the movies the day before.  Last week I had a nice off meal day and still lost 4 pounds this week.  Not sure that I mentioned it yesterday but I had lost another 3 pounds which brought my total to 4 for the week.  Only 4.8 pounds to go and I am in the 200s!  That is very exciting for me since at 280 my suit will fit for the derby!  Good stuff!

We went to the childrens' museum today and there were some drama on the way there with our convoy.  We were going with another family and their two children, and as we pulled in to a random rest stop they were pulled over with their hood up.  Their car was overheating and no long starting.  Needless to say this threw a wrench in things, but luckily we have a big Honda Odyssey swagger wagon and took my friend's wife and two kids into our van and I dropped them off 30 miles away at the museum in Indy, and came back and picked him up as AAA was towing his car the 40 miles back to Richmond.  Needless to say the guys showed up to the museum after getting stuck in traffic and we only got the end of the museum time.  All and all it was a great experience and afterwards we with to the Spaghetti Factory and had a great meal and pleasant time with  our families.

**Will update this in the morning when the fitbit pushes it's stats to twitter and facebook.**

Watch calories burned: N/A walked around the museum only a little

Minimal walking around the children's museum in Indianapolis.  Tomorrow it is back to the gym!

Breakfast was the old standard eggs and toast.  Lunch was me grabbing a chicken taragon sandwich at Starbucks (420 calories) and getting to the museum as quickly as possible.  Dinner was my unhealthy meal allowance and it was amazing.  Baked Lasagna, side of meatballs, spumone ice cream and followed by a peanut butter mountain when we got back to Richmond at Ritters.  I was s t u f f e d.  The ironic thing is I probably only ate 1000 calories above my maintenance levels.  The theory is it also stokes the metabolism by changing up the calorie intake levels.  Yeah that is the ticket right?!  It makes it much easier to get my 90% and the gym I tell you that much.  Doing a full day of meals like that still seems excessive, but doing it for one meal seems to be all I need.  Of course that one meal should have been 2 at least!

Added in some pics of kids and the museum along with foods eaten.  Beware the lasagna pictures!

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