Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 28, Homeward bound...

Well the formatting does not really fit a day like this, so I will just go freestyle.  I ate breakfast on the resort while I waited for my shuttle and ate eggs and toast once again.  I said some more sad goodbyes, and road in with 3 other guests.  The drive was easy going considering it was a Sunday.  I made it to the airport and through security with plenty of time and watch some TV shows on my Ipad.

I was very happy to be able to wear my goal outfit home.  I wore a shirt two sizes smaller, and jeans one size smaller (it could have been two,) and a brand new belt I haven't been able to wear for a couple of years.  It is amazing fitting into old clothes.  It is one of the most motivational things.  I would recommend bringing some near fits to the resort to go home in for motivation.  It worked out of me and I didn't think it was really possible to get into my shirt.  Needless to say my wife was pretty excited to see me in it when she picked me up at the airport.

As far as the flight went I did have a roast beef sandwich and I am sure it was at least 550-600 calories considering the bread and cheese.  I didn't have any peanuts or other snack foods.  I enjoyed a nice coke zero and I did not need a seatbelt extender on the flight and was finally comfortable flying home.  I watched three one hour TV shows and next thing I knew it I was landing.

It was so amazing to see my wife and she was surprised by how much I had changed.  I have missed my family so much and seeing her made my day.  We tried to go to a Thai restaurant but it was closed and found a nearby Sushi place.  I had some edamame, pot stickers, miso soup and some great sushi rolls.  It was very not diet, but great to have a treat with my wife.  Monday it is back on the plan 100%, and there is always my 10% of non-healthy food choices I am going to allow myself.

Anyway, the rest of the night was great, and I went ahead and gave my wife all the presents I bought even though I was supposed to save them for anniversary, valentines day and her birthday!  I was so glad to see her it was tough to hold out.

Hope everyone is doing well, and I miss all of my friends I have made back on the ranch and those people that are already back home.  Hope your Sunday went well.


Unknown said...

Glad you made it home safely, Dwayne! So glad to meet you at the Ridge. Kelly made it home to Florida and I made the very easy drive back to Laguna Beach. Feels strange to be home and figure out what to eat on my own!

Wildcat in Indy said...

Hey, thanks for keeping up! I am going to try to post everything I eat and my workouts while I am at home. I know what you mean that it is strange to try to make it all happen at home. I got the kids to eat a turkey burger. =) Well, actually Jen did!