Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 22, Last Monday and last assessment hike of my stay

It is weird starting out the last week for a few reasons.  The first being that 44 people left last week and only 53 (of 80 possible) people are here at the resort this week.  So many new faces and small classes.  Though I have lost many of my friends here through attrition my bonds with others are growing stronger so all of that works out.

For people that are reading this and are planning to come out here a few things I recommend you try before you leave.  A personal training session with someone that will push you past your comfort zone.  Try a difficult hike so that you go home knowing you can do it.  Also, I recommend at least one 2 minute cardio session on the Jacobs ladder in the gym.  It is this crazy 45 degree infinite ladder that moves at your speed.  It is intimidating, but as with all things here you will discover that you can do more than you imagine.  It is amazing what the body gets used to.

I walked 20,986 steps and 12.6 miles and burned 5,395 calories via my fitbit http://www.fitbit.com/user/22B6S6

Watch Calories burned: 4300 calories!

The LAST assessment hike today was Newton Canyon.  Sorry I didn't take many pictures but I have taken them there before and I was really hoofing it today.  I kept up with the front guide and was rewarded by backtracking up hills to make the hike last longer. Also, I was informed I was in the "fast" van this week.  I am pretty nervous about that since I know how fast some of the hikers here are.  This week there will only be 6 of us in that van.  I know we are doing the FULL zuma hike this week which I actually am sort of excited about.  It is one of the few things I have not done here that is still intimidating.  I will feel complete leaving here with that crossed off.  It is also cool to think that someone will have to drive a van around a few mountains to pick us up.  Who would have thought I would be doing this week 1?

As far as classes went I had stretch with Sam in the morning and ended up burning 400 calories (that is more than my pool and some cardio classes.)  After the hike I went to stretch, then the afternoon classes were,  core with Megan where I had a great core workout and will be sore today I bet, then the last two were water classes, and finally circuit training.  In circuit training I did my last two - two minute intervals on the Jacobs ladder.  It was crazy hard and my heart rate was 170 most of the time but I did it.  I plan on doing more this week since it is really challenging and yet still less intimidating now.

Well breakfast was turkey sausage, eggs and soy cheese on an english muffin.  It is so much better than it sounds!  Lunch was tortilla soup, which is thick, rich and full of flavor and a turkey sandwich with a dressed salad.  Finally, dinner was chicken, polenta and asparagus which was decent and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  


Here are three from yesterday I did not post:


Kent Moeller said...

Hey Dwayne. You are doing so awesome. Very very cool. It makes me miss being there with you. I had a rough day on Monday and broke many rules. Makes me sad but I have to turn the page and try again. The real world sucks for its challenges. I can hardly wait to being mega rich so I can be there full time !! I love the blog and can't believe you will be home in less than a week. Keep it up !!

Wildcat in Indy said...

Just remember that Monday was your 10%, and get back on the wagon. Just go out and climb s couple of mountains around you. That will work it off. I know how you love hikes.