Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 21, Sunday... a day of rest

Today I did very little resting up for my last week here at the resort.  Last week I over trained a bit so this week I am focusing on getting ready to go home by attending lectures and all of my classes as they are offered.  I will train once with Michael on Tuesday and maybe join Darius in a dual training session with Sam if my legs and ankles feel up to it.  I wish I had spread the training out more throughout my stay because you take so much away from each trainer.  Megan, Sam and Michael are amazing both in and out of the gym and I encourage anyone coming to spend some time with them and absorb the motivation in and outside of the workouts.  They all stay after workouts and spend time with you during meals and are very approachable for anything.  All the trainers here seem great, and I wish I had time to train with them all!

Anyway, today was laundry day and I think I am going to ship some stuff home this week.  I spent a big part of the day doing a meal plan and grocery list for my first week back.  It is more difficult than I imagined, kind of like starting a resume from scratch.  I got it done, but I wanted to get 2-4 weeks completed.  I think I will have to spend much more time on this during the week.

It is a completely different place here this week with 44 people going home, and only 53 people being left for this week.  I am used to 70-80 guests!  More time for one on one in classes I bet.  It is odd being one of the veterans left here, but it feels good to be able to make the new people more relaxed.

Anyway, there is not much more to add to this day since it was rainy and non-workout.  Hope you all had a great weekend.


Girl Gone Clean said...

Hi Dwayne,

Thank you so much for all your great posts while in Malibu... I am going on Feb 13th for 4 weeks and am so excited... it's been wonderful to see the ranch and hikes through your pictures and read about your experience. I will be following a lot of your advice and am hoping to have a similar rewarding experience!

Thanks again!

Wildcat in Indy said...

You will love it, there is such a supportive environment here, and everyone is great. Glad you got something out of it, I think I am going to continue to do this to keep myself focused even away from the resort. There will still be another Leslie here and she will be on week 7 or 8 of her stay I imagine. Look her up while you are here if you have questions she is great.

Girl Gone Clean said...

thanks Dwayne!

Good luck on your transition home.... I'll be interested in reading how that goes (if you DO blog about it!) I know Malibu will be hard, but I know it will be way harder to come home after that controlled environment!!

Best wishes to you!

Wildcat in Indy said...

I am definitely going to continue to blog when I get home. I think it keeps me accountable, and there is so much support from the web community too. Thanks for keeping up with me. =)