Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thanks for the encouragement

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to the commenters who have been so suportive.  I am going through a rough patch now diet wise.  I have let myself become a little too overwhelmed with my perceived failure of late.  It is about time to dust myself off and get back to it.  I am definitely going to have to use an agressive workout schedule this time.

Anyway, still alive, still kickin'.  More to come soon.


~Oct said...

Yay ... it's great to hear from you again. You are one of my favorite bloggers! Hang in there and even when you aren't doing so well know that we all go through tough moments and understand. I went through a five year tough time and regained everything ... not fun!!! I'm just so happy to have started this again.

sal said...

Hi Dwayne. I'm only home for a couple days. I also have started counting calories. I, too, am a nurse as your wife is. Have a GTT run. I think she would agree with me. I found out that I was insulin resistant. Almost impossible to lose weight on any program. I'm still losing...but, food is on the back burner. I just don't eat much. My doctor also put me on Metformin. Just 500mgs. a day. Low dose. But evidentally it is helping my body some. I'm with October, I love your blogs and please keep us updated!

jdhowa2 said...

Hope you find a plan you're happy with soon. You help keep us ALL motivated.

Love ya.

beachlover2 said...

Just stick with the plan. I’m sure you will be successful!
I’m wondering what you and other people think. I’ve been doing some research on healthy eating and low carb diets in particular and came up with this one site called OpposingViews.com where there are debates by experts on various subjects. There is one debate called: “Are Low Carb Diets Healthy?”.
I like the idea that these people are experts in their fields, but this one guy says something that gives me pause. He says something to the effect that eating whole plant foods is associated with having good health but diets high in animal protein and fats are not. He also says that in a global sense, a sustained low carbohydrate diet which comes mainly from animal foods creates significant challenges for the planet and also other health issues for people such as antibiotic resistance.”
What do you think he means when he says that a diet which comes primarily from animal proteins is bad for the planet? That’s the first time I ever heard that. If you have time, take a look and let me know what you think by posting your comment. Thanks! http://www.opposingviews.com/questions/are-low-carb-diets-healthy