Friday, September 26, 2008

Back from the Big Easy

So we are back from vacation and as usual things have been hectic as I get back into town. We had a great time in New Orleans, and as you might expect, I did not think too much about diet there.

We had a great time however there was on issue that still lingers till today. The baby bug! As we left our son get a little tummy flu and was sick. We were dismayed, but then on Saturday in New Orleans Jennifer got it as was puking and other things on Saturday. She was mostly better on Sunday, but her stomach is still not right. So far everyone that has come into contact with our son has gotten it. My dad, her dad, her mom and now... Me! I have been (thankfully?) unable to eat much for the past 2-3 days and had to miss work one day this week.

Perhaps this will keep the diet destruction I have been doing to a minimum. We are going on some calorie counting system soon (well at least I am.) Right now I am doing some recipe research. Weigh in will be on Monday and it will be a new starting point.

Glad to be back and hope everyone is doing well.


jdhowa2 said...

Welcome back, Dwayne!!! It is a sin to diet in New Orleans, so you made the right choice.

sal said...

So glad you're back Dwayne! I'm home for a few days from my dads. Been in the hospital...good for weight loss,ha!


~Oct said...

I love visiting New Orleans. I especially loves the spooky ghost tours and the evening walks through the French Quarter. Daytime walks were super-fun too. Love the street musicians and the interesting architecture. :)

I'm glad you are back too. I've missed you in the blog world.

Hope you and the family are over the baby bug and feeling fine again!

jdhowa2 said...

I'm climbing back on the blogging wagon. What's new with you, doll?

Wildcat in Indy said...

I am actually blogging in draft form and taking some embarrassing pictures... Once I get to a certain weight I will publish them all. Gotta get to my first big goal though. Glad to seeya back!