Friday, July 4, 2008

Weekend update

Well I am somehow out of ketosis so I have done something wrong with my low carbs. Last night we went out and I had a salad with blue cheese and a nice 16oz ribeye. This morning was eggs and bacon. I am having cream in my coffee and I am worried that I am sneaking in too many carbs with it. Not to mention that I am over consuming diet drinks this weekend. The goal next week is to finish off my diet drinks in house and switch over to 98% water. I have a feeling that is holding me back as well. Just got back from the grocery with a nice cast iron skillet and some more eggs to devil! Those deviled eggs are great snacks. I just have to stay ahead on making them.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thursday part 2

Quick lunch update and time to test out a neat little graphic.

Well maybe not so neat. I need to lose some more weight so you can see the start points.

Hmm and maybe this one:
My Graph

Well one thing is for sure... I need more data points! The beginning is always the worst for things like this, but in the end you are glad to have them.

Anyway just got back from lunch and had:
5 deviled eggs (2.5 regular eggs)
1 Hamburger patty
1 Tbsp Low Carb Ketchup

I am full and I think the wife and I are going out tonight. It will be my first sit down meal on the new diet. I am sure it will go well. =) Afterwards it is on to see Hancock.

I still have only told my wife and one friend about this site. I am not sure at what point I am going to be ready to share it with more people. The fear of failing still exists. I have been up and down on this roller coaster so many times. Making it public is a bit of a stretch. Perhaps I will wait another week or so to see how my weightloss experiment with low carbs is going.

Thursday morning post

Well I never had a chance to do another post yesterday. The rest of the days foods went:

Weird Indian ground turkey concoction I tried to make
(It has both yogurt and cream in it) (6g carbs in the servings I had)
2 more deviled egg halves

Serving of peanuts (3 carbs)
2 pieces of sausage jerky (1 carb)

2.5 hamburger patties with provolone cheese on them
2 Tbsp Low Carb Ketchup (2 carbs)
2 Tbsp Mustard

That was it. I resisted some great ice cream my wife was eating. I am finding it difficult to figure out what to feed the family while I am on this diet. I am perfectly capable of eating the exact same thing day in and out, but that is not fair for them. I am typically the one who prepares food, so I feel horrible subjecting them to what is easiest for me on this diet. I am going to have to consider some way of coming up with tasty low carb foods for them, but it is so hard to do this in the bulk I need to not go off diet.

As far as weight goes I weighed this morning at 332.5. That is what I am going to use for my starting point. I am going to continue where I am at with carb consumption and see how my weight loss progresses. I have been reading some interesting stuff in a 0 carb message thread over at the Livin' La Vida Low Carb discussion board. I am definitely going to work my way out of drink diet soft drinks. This also means I need to work on my caffeine addiction. I am hoping that by the middle of next week I will have gone through all of our diet drinks and I will mostly be drinking water.

Over the past several days my water drinking has increased I just need to keep that trend going.

So far for food today I have had:
5 Turkey Sausage links

That is about all I have this morning. I have to drive to one of our other offices so I may be able to check back in today. Oh and my wife has agreed to help me take some before pics. Not sure when I am going to post them, but we shall see. I am a bit shy after all, and though I like to think I make 332 pounds work, I am also realistic about what people don't want to see. =)


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday morning post

Well last night I am not sure how well I did since we had company. Our company was my father-in-law and he has actually been eating low carb for several years now with a good maintenance of his initial weightloss. He loves to order Pizza from Pizza King here in Richmond. He gets double toppings on the meat feast and only eats those. So, last night that is what we all ate. I tried to minimize how much of the sauce there was in the bites, and I think I was fairly sucessful. I also had a salad with it so I don't feel too bad. I really want to ensure I am under 25g of carbs a day and with all that I tried yesterday I may have been too close for comfort.

In other news I shared the info of my blog with my wife yesterday and she seems fairly excited. She offered to weigh me and not let me see so she could record the weight for posterity. We had just consumed massive amounts of pizza and it was evening. Typically when I go on a diet I weigh myself in the morning fasted. She wrote down the results and my blood pressure. (155/85!) Not the greatest, and I imagine until I get my lean meats down and more fiber/less weight it will stay in that range. I plan to redo the blood pressure when I have lost 10% of my current weight.

I had thought my weight would be around 330 just from the way my clothes fit, and turns out (since I cheated and looked) I was pretty close. 336 was what the scale told us. I can't believe I went ahead and looked, but at least now I can track it. I will start monitoring it in the morning tomorrow. I also plan on putting my information in fitday. That way I can track food and carbs a little more accurately.

Anyway, so far for food today I have had:

5 turkey sausage links
2 Tbsp low carb ketchup (2 carbs)
1 Vente Iced Coffee with half and half (3 carbs)

I am about to head home for lunch and will probably check in post lunch.

I am feeling great this morning and my clothes seem not so tight today.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The intro and the beginning

First things first... I am not going to weigh myself until I fit into my previous belt and am comfortable at the second loop. You may wonder how I am going to track progress in the interim. I can tell you right now that it is simple. How my clothes fit and how I feel. How about we get to some background info.

From March of 2007 until about December of 2007 I lost around 70 pounds and was at 279 pounds. I felt great and went from wearing size 48/50 jeans to size 42/44. I was going to the gym and was on a low carb diet, and doing resistance training in the gym 3-4 days a week. This was the second significant weightloss of my life. What happened? My high school sweetheart and I get back together, I quit my job, moved to Indiana from Florida, got another job, got married and now have a wife and a stepson. In short, through all of those massive changes in my life I let myself get off track. All of those changes have been great for me since I now am with the woman I love, have a great family and another baby on the way in December, however... I let it give me an excuse to gain weight and change my diet. This blog is an attempt to keep me honest as I go forward. This will be my second major weightloss in my adult life.

My first sucessful foray into weightloss was simple. I weighed 380 pounds and HAD to change. My first diet was simply, "do better." I started off by walking up two floors instead of taking the elevator and I limited my calories to 1600-1800 a day. I still ate horrible processed foods with days looking like one Mcdonalds breakfast burrito, one twelve inch turkey sub from Subway, and three chicken soft tacos from Taco Bell for dinner. Do the math, it adds up to about 1500 calories. I lost 30 pounds doing just this and started feeling better. The best part of all of this was I ended up finding some great nutritional information sites and changed my diet to 5-6 meals a day of healthy carbs, fats and high amounts of protein. I will go into this time in later posts, but all in all from March of 2003 untill August of 2004 I lost 100 pounds. At the time I traveled for my job to Orlando, Florida to work on the 7 hurricanes that impacted the region. Over the next 2 years I gradually crept back up as I took on a huge new job and worked 70 hours weeks.

On to how I am going to lose the weight this time. I plan on setting some simple goals each week and working towards an overhaul of how I behave. This week I plan on simply getting on a low-carb diet. I will have less than 25 (preferably less than 20) carbs a day. I am not going to track my caloric intake this week, and I am simply going to eliminate the starchy carbs.

Future weeks goals will be: reducing coke zero/diet coke intake, increasing water intake, tracking nutrition info online, taking weekly update pictures, taking daily pictures, breaking meals up from 3 to 5, creating new recipes for my odd tastes, going back to the gym, various strength goals at the gym, completing the 100 pushup challenge.

Anyway, onto what is going on this week. So far I have eaten less than 20 carbs a day for the week. Also, starting this blog is a fairly large step for me. It seems so simple now, but I feel like I am leaving so much out it is ridiculous. Small steps... Small steps. Today I went to the grocery and got some nice low carb cooking items to help me with dinners. The real trick of all this is cooking for my family throughout this experience. They are not low carb eaters normally.. My stepson is going to be 2 in August, so he should be easy to please. However, my pregnant wife loves her some cherry and chocolate ice cream. She is very supportive so I don't see this as being a real issue.

The grocery thing is a big step since grabbing food out while I transition is bad. I want to have mainly lean proteins (turkey, chicken, fish) while doing this. Not bunless hamburgers and processed cheese. I will have quite a bit of cheese for snacks, but my goal is to use healthy fats whenever possible and avoid processed cheeses.

For those of you wondering how much I do weigh right now, I can guess that it is probably 330-340. I imagine that when I am in my previous belt and weighing in again I will register 310-317. I have no idea how fast this is going to happen, but in the past I lose about 12-18 pounds the first month and a half, and then average 10 pounds a month afterwards.

What is my goal and when do I want to reach it?

Well my goal this week is to change to no carbs.
My goal is to be back in my other belth by August.
My first long term weight goal is to be at or below 275 when my child is born in early December.
My second long term weight goal is to be at 250 pounds by my first wedding anniversary on March 3rd. I can't think of a better way to celebrate our first year together than giving my beautiful wife a healthier husband.

To be honest those are the only goals I am going to set for right now aside from my weekly goals set on Mondays.

Food Eaten today:

Two sausage patties (0 carbs)

Midmorning Snack-
2 beef jerky sausages (1 carb)

4 McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers w/o bun (4 carbs)
2 Tbsp Low carb ketchup (2 carbs)

Afternoon Snack-
1 cheese stick (0 carbs)
1 oz peanuts (3 carbs)

Unknown yet! I will have to add this in the blog tomorrow.

Anyway, that is all for today and hopefully a good start.